Current Tunes: Ingrid Michaelson
Current Plans: Eat, laze about, buy foodstuffs, edit?, PR tonight
Current Excitement: Living the dream. :D
Hey all.
I've wanted to blog for like a week. But there was internet issues, lethargy issues, and avoidance issues. But here I come!!
So. Two whole weeks of classes down already. Soooo much time with Jesus. Soooo many revelations of who He is and who He wants me to be. Too much for a blog post, so don't expect it. :D
On the practical side, classes are gonna be fine. Requiring a lot of reading/reviewing of notes, but that's easy peasy. Choir's gonna be the bomb, because JAYE THOMAS is my choir director. He's officially my favorite person at IHOP. We're gonna be sining at the Awakening at the end of the semester, so that's really exciting! Ummm...
Still treasuring the fact that I'm in a subculture that values honesty, integrity, honor, generosity, kindness, selflessness, joy, and purity. You don't really get a lot of that in the 'real world.' Everyone I've met so far has just drawn me in with their love of Christ. I want to make friends with everyone on campus right now, haha. Working on that goal. I just like being around people who are wholeheartedly kind and real... It's hard to explain, but it's so so delicious. There's no sniping, gossiping, judging, malicious speak, dirty jokes... It's like rated G but so much fun. It actually makes my heart break for all the people in the world who degrade themselves and their tongues for this kind of fun. Those people who toss their heart ceaselessly around in the hope that someone will hold it even if it's just for a moment. Here, you trust people with your heart. In a sense. It also makes me so sad to think of everyone who has to shoot up their bloodstream with artificial fun in order to feel like they're okay with being alive. Because I've seen the other side of the world- that simply by being genuine and surrounding yourself with people of integrity, you can receive the most pleasure. ENDRANT.
Today was SUPPOSED to be semi-productive, but for the first time I didn't wake up to the babies this morning, so I accidently didn't wake up until 10:30, which meant my day was doomed to be full of lethargy. So. Showered already, so that's a start. Working myself up to eat some lunch, do laundry? Maybe? Target can happen tomorrow or Monday, I'm not in any kind of desperation as far as food. Yeah, haven't done laundry yet and still pretty nervous about it. It just seems like if anyone could screw it up, I could.
OH. Man, this week I've been bitten by tattoo fever. Okay, so my whole life, I never really wanted a tattoo. I always wanted a nose piercing, like since sixth grade, but that's it as far as desired body modifications. But in the past year or so, I've seen so many unspeakably beautiful tattoos that are giving me a new perspective... And then you come to IHOP where like every other person and their mother has a tattoo. And suddenly I'm overwhelmed with the deep desire to have Godwords all over me. Idk.. I'll never be like, covered in tattoos, but suddenly I have a LOT of ideas for locations and words and stuff. I always promised myself that I would never get a tattoo that holds no deep meaning for me, so you won't see me getting frivolous, flowery, 'I got it cuz it was cute' tattoos, I promise.
The one I most want and the one I'll probs be getting first is the one on my collarbone. I'm not sure exactly how it'll look yet, whether it'll be around the collar bone, or in broken paragraphs on each side. The lyrics are "This is my call, I belong to You. This is my call to sing the melodies of You." If it's around the collar bone like a necklace it'll only be the latter half. Idk. I spent all morning looking at tattoo ideas online and I'm suuuper excited! Other places I'm thinking about are my right wrist, behind my ear, my neck, and my foot... which all seem to be the most painful places. But... my dream tattoo that will NEVER happen but would still be awesome would be an awesome tigre on the side of my ribcage. But anyways, other than the collarbone, they'll all be little things like one word, Bible verses, the like. I also would like to get a tattoo outline of MN someday just to remember where I came from and where the people I love are... Assuming I will not be living in MN for the rest of my life.
Wow. Okay that was a long and uncharacteristic rant about tattoos. Idk, I'll keep praying about it, but I've seriously been thinking about it SO MUCH in the last week. Haha. Excited.
Um, so I love living on my own... I love the people/staff here... I love the prayer room, mostly... I found a mall! Civilization! Me and my friend Jeff got Cold Stone there... And they don't have small sizes, so you get so much ice cream that you throw up, basically. Love it. Kind of wish I had a maid. And a job to pay for the maid... my salsa grew mold after one week and I don't know what to do about it now... I'm getting to be so ninja at killing spiders. :D
Today is an Ingrid/Adele/Maria Solheim/Alexi Murdoch/John Thurlow kind of day... Jeese, only 2.5 hours till I have to be in the prayer room again... If I could change one thing about IHOPU it would be that we could have a day, even a weekend off... God forbid we get to go home... D: But I love it still, flaws and incongruencies, and miscommunications and all.
Alright, I'm audi 5000.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
In which I describe Orientation
Current Tunes: The Immersed album from IHOP
Current Plans: read the Word, watch some House, Awakening later.
Current Excitement: Starting classes in the new building on Monday!
Well, here I am, all settled in at my new dwelling place.
Move in was swift and virtually painless. I pretty much had everything settled and done by that evening, so that was a blessing! The Larsons left for vacation the night I moved in, so for almost a week now I've been living completely on my own. Normally, that would really super freak me out. A lot. I tend to be able to freak myself out really easily. Living alone in the attic of an unfamiliar house in a new city and state in an area with the reputation of not being the safest is like a perfect recipe for a panic attack. But by God's grace and provision alone, I have felt not one moment of fear in being here alone. Even last night, with a classic thunderstorm, lightening flashing every other second, coming home to a dark, presumably empty house didn't freak me out. If anything I was excited to just sit in my room and stare out my window at God's gloriousness. He's so good!
Although I didn't feel any fear for my physical safety, I must admit the transition to BEING AN ADULT and living on my own and figuring stuff out for myself was a little rocky. Okay, it wasn't so bad. It just felt a little overwhelming. I am blessed with a great, supportive family, and to suddenly be far outside the physical reach of that support system was a little disorienting. It took some getting used to-- realizing that I had to kill my own spiders, buy my own light bulbs, wash my own dishes, do my own laundry, plan out my own days. Granted, some of that I was prepared for, but it was still just... bewildering? To be ALONE. I kept reminding how it's something I've always wanted-- to be live on my own and make my own decisions. And now that I've settled in a bit, I really am enjoying it. It was just a process of transitioning, is all.
So orientation has actually been really fun. If you know me at all, you know I'm not an orientation type of girl. I hate that awkward small talk, awkward introductions, cheesy games and 'get to know ya' crap. But I don't know... Something about IHOPU students is different. I guess because we're all filled with a love of Jesus, we're all like, extra friendly, smilely, and excited. You can just sit randomly next to anyone, and they'll smile, introduce themselves, and comment on how great the Lord is. My thoughts are like, Man, I belong here!. No matter what time of day, or where on IHOP property you are, you can overhear a conversation of students or staff talking about Jesus like He was a part of the group. It's pretty freakin' awesome. People here aren't messing around; they're here to serve the Lord with faith and submission.
I've met a lot of new, beautiful people. I can't wait to form bonds with them during the next few years, or however long the Lord allows. When we're all worshipping communally, you just get this sense that we're a family. That anyone here would do anything for their neighbor, and vice versa. I don't know what that is, other than the bold love imparted by the Holy Spirit. Meow. I love it.
Orientation has consisted mostly of a few games, several instructional-type meetings, and plenty of worship/prophetic soaking/prayer room times. The Holy Spirit has been thick around here, and aggressive on His pursuit of my heart. He's been calling me out as His Beloved. He's also called me His star and His radical princess. I accept these names and long to live my life out beneath them.
Other cool things/observations so far: This house is beeyoootiful. Seeing musicians like Misty Edwards, Cory Asbury, and Laura Hackett worship everyday is something I don't think I'll ever get used to. I feel SO blessed to have this opportunity. I miss my MN peeps and think about them lots. Mostimes I wish they were here with me to drink deep from this Holy Spirit river. I think I'm going to be picking the prayer room track that says I have to be in the prayer room from 6-9:30 AM Mon-Wed, so that's... horrifying. I just think I should do it then so that the rest of my days'll be more relaxed and open. I can always determine a nap schedule. I get to test it out this week, so if it's really awful, I can always do the afternoon schedule. I'm interested in finding a job, so pray that the Lord opens up a good'un for me. If that's His will! It's really stinkin' hot here. Oppressive heat. The kind where breathing makes you sweat. Umm... there was something else... The new campus is a beautiful, awesome, fantastic facility. Complete with a cafeteria, library, coffee shop, lounges, classrooms, and a recording studio! We got to wander around it for a bit yesterday. COOOL.
That's all I can think of right now. So cheerio, mates!
Current Plans: read the Word, watch some House, Awakening later.
Current Excitement: Starting classes in the new building on Monday!
Well, here I am, all settled in at my new dwelling place.
Move in was swift and virtually painless. I pretty much had everything settled and done by that evening, so that was a blessing! The Larsons left for vacation the night I moved in, so for almost a week now I've been living completely on my own. Normally, that would really super freak me out. A lot. I tend to be able to freak myself out really easily. Living alone in the attic of an unfamiliar house in a new city and state in an area with the reputation of not being the safest is like a perfect recipe for a panic attack. But by God's grace and provision alone, I have felt not one moment of fear in being here alone. Even last night, with a classic thunderstorm, lightening flashing every other second, coming home to a dark, presumably empty house didn't freak me out. If anything I was excited to just sit in my room and stare out my window at God's gloriousness. He's so good!
Although I didn't feel any fear for my physical safety, I must admit the transition to BEING AN ADULT and living on my own and figuring stuff out for myself was a little rocky. Okay, it wasn't so bad. It just felt a little overwhelming. I am blessed with a great, supportive family, and to suddenly be far outside the physical reach of that support system was a little disorienting. It took some getting used to-- realizing that I had to kill my own spiders, buy my own light bulbs, wash my own dishes, do my own laundry, plan out my own days. Granted, some of that I was prepared for, but it was still just... bewildering? To be ALONE. I kept reminding how it's something I've always wanted-- to be live on my own and make my own decisions. And now that I've settled in a bit, I really am enjoying it. It was just a process of transitioning, is all.
So orientation has actually been really fun. If you know me at all, you know I'm not an orientation type of girl. I hate that awkward small talk, awkward introductions, cheesy games and 'get to know ya' crap. But I don't know... Something about IHOPU students is different. I guess because we're all filled with a love of Jesus, we're all like, extra friendly, smilely, and excited. You can just sit randomly next to anyone, and they'll smile, introduce themselves, and comment on how great the Lord is. My thoughts are like, Man, I belong here!. No matter what time of day, or where on IHOP property you are, you can overhear a conversation of students or staff talking about Jesus like He was a part of the group. It's pretty freakin' awesome. People here aren't messing around; they're here to serve the Lord with faith and submission.
I've met a lot of new, beautiful people. I can't wait to form bonds with them during the next few years, or however long the Lord allows. When we're all worshipping communally, you just get this sense that we're a family. That anyone here would do anything for their neighbor, and vice versa. I don't know what that is, other than the bold love imparted by the Holy Spirit. Meow. I love it.
Orientation has consisted mostly of a few games, several instructional-type meetings, and plenty of worship/prophetic soaking/prayer room times. The Holy Spirit has been thick around here, and aggressive on His pursuit of my heart. He's been calling me out as His Beloved. He's also called me His star and His radical princess. I accept these names and long to live my life out beneath them.
Other cool things/observations so far: This house is beeyoootiful. Seeing musicians like Misty Edwards, Cory Asbury, and Laura Hackett worship everyday is something I don't think I'll ever get used to. I feel SO blessed to have this opportunity. I miss my MN peeps and think about them lots. Mostimes I wish they were here with me to drink deep from this Holy Spirit river. I think I'm going to be picking the prayer room track that says I have to be in the prayer room from 6-9:30 AM Mon-Wed, so that's... horrifying. I just think I should do it then so that the rest of my days'll be more relaxed and open. I can always determine a nap schedule. I get to test it out this week, so if it's really awful, I can always do the afternoon schedule. I'm interested in finding a job, so pray that the Lord opens up a good'un for me. If that's His will! It's really stinkin' hot here. Oppressive heat. The kind where breathing makes you sweat. Umm... there was something else... The new campus is a beautiful, awesome, fantastic facility. Complete with a cafeteria, library, coffee shop, lounges, classrooms, and a recording studio! We got to wander around it for a bit yesterday. COOOL.
That's all I can think of right now. So cheerio, mates!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
In which I talk about packing and pre-moving out revelations.
Current tunes: Cory Asbury
Current plans: ... Undecided. Maybe a night at home.
Current excitement: Moving out this weekend.
This is real life, man.
Haha... Well, I've spent the day packing my clothings (3 containers, one box, and one laundry basket FULL), jewelry (one spiderman lunchbox), cameras, cds, schoolstuff, and other miscellaneous odds and ends. I also COMPLETELY cleaned out my car. So I'm feeling pretty accomplished, but surprisingly not worn out. But as much as I'd like to go out and SEE people and DO things, I really, really am feeling a quiet night home.
I guess this week kind of surprised me. I didn't get a 'summer' this year, save a few sweet and short weeks. My summer was literally spent work, work, working. And not for a bundle of money, either. My body actually wakes itself up between 8 and 9 now... What the biscuit is that about?? Adulthood, I tell ya. Really all I want is like another week to sleep in past 10AM, be careless and silly, and spend time with my oodles of good friends. But Sunday's D-Day, and I'm out of here.
Mama and Papa are following me down there in the van, and I'll be moving in Monday, so sayeth THE PLAN. Gahhh, I have SO MUCH STUFF. Just stuff. It's verging on hoarder-status. I don't even know what half this STUFF is, or why in the world I'd ever want to save it. I hope Missouri can teach me a thing or two about simplicity.
How am I feeling about moving out, you ask? Well let me tell you: I am AFRAID. Last night was the first night I really let my brain process the fact that I am leaving my parent's home, and I'm not gonna lie, I felt like crying. I still do. But in a good, this is how it's supposed to be, and I can't wait to start the next part of my life sort of way. Plus, it's straight up Biblical, this 'leaving the house of my father to follow the LORD' deal. But I've never faced such a HUGE change before. New school, new home, new room, new state, new friends, new freakin' ZIP CODE (which I still have to memorize... dang.) I guess I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel. I'm excited, yes, totally-- because I know this is where God is leading me. And I promised Him that I would follow where He led me. And He promised me that He would not leave me alone, even for one STEP of that journey. So I trust that He'll be with me... But I also keep thinking of how achingly I'll MISS everyone. From my random friends, to my closest friends, my family, my churchfamily... even my coworkers! I have such a wide support system that I'm a little nervous as to how I'll do down south, without everyone physically with me... But then I remind myself that there are so many methods of communication these days that I won't have any excuse for missing anyone.
I'm also anxious that I'll forget something, or I'll do something really stupid, or that I'll be the least informed person there. So there's that... but like Kendra loves to remind me, GOD DOES NOT GIVE US A SPIRIT OF FEAR. So I'll be remembering that frequently.
Sooooo. I've been to Target like 10 of the last 14 days. Pretty sure. I'm buying up the store, I tell you. And I went to MOA/Ikea twice in three days, so that's kind of amusing. Purchased a table @ Ikea. What seemed impossible and improbable 8 months ago is now all coming together right before my eyes, and the astounding comfort and provision from the LORD are quite apparent. So praise His name, praise His name, praise the God of us.
also. Thinking of getting a tattoo that says "This is my call, to sing the melodies of You." They're lyrics from a Sixpence None the Richer song. But just thinking. I'm a poor college student now, so I may have to pass on the ink.
That's it for now.
Current plans: ... Undecided. Maybe a night at home.
Current excitement: Moving out this weekend.
This is real life, man.
Haha... Well, I've spent the day packing my clothings (3 containers, one box, and one laundry basket FULL), jewelry (one spiderman lunchbox), cameras, cds, schoolstuff, and other miscellaneous odds and ends. I also COMPLETELY cleaned out my car. So I'm feeling pretty accomplished, but surprisingly not worn out. But as much as I'd like to go out and SEE people and DO things, I really, really am feeling a quiet night home.
I guess this week kind of surprised me. I didn't get a 'summer' this year, save a few sweet and short weeks. My summer was literally spent work, work, working. And not for a bundle of money, either. My body actually wakes itself up between 8 and 9 now... What the biscuit is that about?? Adulthood, I tell ya. Really all I want is like another week to sleep in past 10AM, be careless and silly, and spend time with my oodles of good friends. But Sunday's D-Day, and I'm out of here.
Mama and Papa are following me down there in the van, and I'll be moving in Monday, so sayeth THE PLAN. Gahhh, I have SO MUCH STUFF. Just stuff. It's verging on hoarder-status. I don't even know what half this STUFF is, or why in the world I'd ever want to save it. I hope Missouri can teach me a thing or two about simplicity.
How am I feeling about moving out, you ask? Well let me tell you: I am AFRAID. Last night was the first night I really let my brain process the fact that I am leaving my parent's home, and I'm not gonna lie, I felt like crying. I still do. But in a good, this is how it's supposed to be, and I can't wait to start the next part of my life sort of way. Plus, it's straight up Biblical, this 'leaving the house of my father to follow the LORD' deal. But I've never faced such a HUGE change before. New school, new home, new room, new state, new friends, new freakin' ZIP CODE (which I still have to memorize... dang.) I guess I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel. I'm excited, yes, totally-- because I know this is where God is leading me. And I promised Him that I would follow where He led me. And He promised me that He would not leave me alone, even for one STEP of that journey. So I trust that He'll be with me... But I also keep thinking of how achingly I'll MISS everyone. From my random friends, to my closest friends, my family, my churchfamily... even my coworkers! I have such a wide support system that I'm a little nervous as to how I'll do down south, without everyone physically with me... But then I remind myself that there are so many methods of communication these days that I won't have any excuse for missing anyone.
I'm also anxious that I'll forget something, or I'll do something really stupid, or that I'll be the least informed person there. So there's that... but like Kendra loves to remind me, GOD DOES NOT GIVE US A SPIRIT OF FEAR. So I'll be remembering that frequently.
Sooooo. I've been to Target like 10 of the last 14 days. Pretty sure. I'm buying up the store, I tell you. And I went to MOA/Ikea twice in three days, so that's kind of amusing. Purchased a table @ Ikea. What seemed impossible and improbable 8 months ago is now all coming together right before my eyes, and the astounding comfort and provision from the LORD are quite apparent. So praise His name, praise His name, praise the God of us.
also. Thinking of getting a tattoo that says "This is my call, to sing the melodies of You." They're lyrics from a Sixpence None the Richer song. But just thinking. I'm a poor college student now, so I may have to pass on the ink.
That's it for now.
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