Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In which I am still alive.

Current Tunes: The chatter and prayer of fellow IHOPers in Higher Grounds.
Current Plans: Go home, nap, go to D-group, go to work, pack, shower, sleep, go to CA.
Current Excitement: CALIFORNIA!

Hey all. So clearly, I survived the the illness that knocked me out. On the plus side, I got to stay in my room and not talk to anyone for five days. On the down side, I had to stay in my room and not talk to anyone for five days. But I am all better! For the first time since moving here, I think. And I intend to stay healthy! As much as I can. Gotta eat like... fruit or something.

Anyways. So as you may or may not have heard, I'm headed to SoCal tomorrow morning! It's exciting. It'll be like a 30+ hour bus ride. In those nice coach buses. 300+ IHOPU students will be strategically placed at universities throughout Southern California. So I'm not exactly sure where I'll be yet. BUT! I do know that on Nov. 11th, we'll all be converging on LA to support the Fight Conference and get people reeeaallyyyy stirred up for revival. I'm super excited because of prophetic words that have been spoken for a coming revival, as well as just to BE in CA for the first time in my life and be able to share all this love that I've been receiving for the past few months.

So I'll be getting back the 15th of November. Then I'll have a few days of classes, and then it's Thanksgiving 'break.' My BFF KennyLendra will be visiting ME for the first time, and we'll shop and sing and hug and have a gay olde time. Then I'll work work work and then get my bum on home for some eats. And then it's back to KCMO for a few more weeks, and then CHRISTMAS. And then ONETHING. And then... January! Woot. Time skipping stones.

In my spirit, Jesus has really been giving me a lot of revelations in the past two weeks about how He sees me. Much of this was supplemented by a study we did on Song of Solomon in class. Before hearing Shelley and Allen teach on it, I was majorly skeptical about this book, what it meant, and what God intended it to mean. But the Holy Spirit softened my heart towards it and opened my eyes to all the different interpretations and meanings. And what I found there was in-credible. I encourage you all to download Mike Bickle's notes on Song of Songs from or get some other commentary on it. It's really eye opening, the way that God feels about us.

Also He's been engaging my mind with some Deep Theological Issues. About who He is, what the Bible is and what it means, etc, etc. Stuff I'd like to divulge on eventually, but not currently. I've been in some situations recently that really caused me to think about GOD. Like, why He created us, how He's involved in our lives, what He expects from us, and what it is to be holy. And how holy, how like Him can we become? It's great. I just like to think about Him. And I'm realizing that much of Christianity is missing the point.

In Romans 1 & 2, Paul talks about God's righteous judgment against sin and sinful people. And he has a pretty harsh description of evil people: greedy, envious, murdering, slandering, wicked, depraved, etc, etc. And our first reaction, of course, would be to say "That's not me; I'm certainly not THAT bad. I'm not a murderer or a slanderer. I try not to gossip and I don't steal...." But then at the beginning of Chapter 2, he says "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things" (NIV). Whoa. We KNOW, because Jesus said, that if we even feel angry towards one another, we have murdered each other in our hearts. So we can't assume that we are perfect simply because we wouldn't describe ourselves so harshly. Maybe, just maybe, someone else WOULD. Maybe, from the perspective of the Most Holy, we ARE tarnished and sullied.

He goes on to talk about the law for several chapters, and much of his conversation is expounded on in Galations. Basically, my heart is just sorrowed for those in the Church who think they are saved simply because they go to church, repeat the prayers and hum the hymns. Church! The Bible, the living, breathing, WORD OF GOD says we are not saved unless we are right with God!! Even if we do not follow the Law, we are still saved if our hearts are right with Jesus. However, if we were somehow Holy Superheroes and followed the Law to the letter and never sinned, but yet still had no relationship with Him in our hearts, we would STILL go to Hell. Do you see what God thinks is the most important??

There's just been so much resting on my heart lately about this, and I'd love a soapbox and an audience of my loved ones to share it with. I have loads of Scriptures to support the above argument, but I'm without my Bible at the moment to quote verses at you. However, if you must be immediately satiated, check out Romans 1 & 2 as well as the book of Galations 3 to start with.

Please pray for me and my friends while we're in CA! See you on the other side. :D


1 comment:

  1. My comments always seem to disappear!
    It was neat to hear of your sorrow for those sitting in the pews each Sunday, thinking that will get them into Heaven. That has been heavy on my heart also. Those are the people my heart longs to reach. I believe God is also grieving, and wants them to be brought into the Kingdom. And there seems to be some urgency...
    God Bless you and your whole missions team!
    Love you Baby Girl!
