Saturday, February 20, 2010

In which I elaborate on sweetness

Current Tunes: Nataly Dawn
Plans por la noche: edit, read, vegetate.... So thrilling.
Current excitement: Going to Target tomorrow!

Helloooooo mateys. I was saying to Kendra yesterday that I feel awkward, because I don't know who's reading this, or if anyone is. Soooo............ Hey.

I sure am loooooving this semester. It's so chillax. And, esp. now that I'm off FB, I feel like I have spare time to drown in. Part of me feels like a loser, because I should be running about, being involved in activities, hanging out with friends, so on and so forth. But then I realize that for a very, very long time I have been a crazy busy bee. So a month or two of living in a lull does not make me a loser. Nope. And now I have time for things I want to do, ie purge my room, read excessively, attend worship meetings, keep a blog (!) and see people that I have missed. AND having spare time means I can keep up with my classes this semester and not fall apart like last time!

So that is how I feel.
The Holy Spirit word of the week(s) has been "sweet," with an offshoot of "tender." I feel like God, in allowing me these solid hours of free time, has been drowning me with life's sweetness. I swear He's just showering my life with beauty. I've seen the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets this week. And oh, the other day flocks of birds over the highway. Gorgeous. And yesterday leaving Bethel, I was struck by the silent dignity of the leafless trees, huddled close together. God knows I have a photographer's eye, so He sends me these images for my memory's photo albums. I feel like all this beauty I've been seeing lately has just been God reminding me that He hasn't forgotten me- He remembers me here and showers His love over me.

As a result, I've been "devouring the sweetness of life." Every moment holds beauty- whether it's a calm drive home from work, fifteen extra minutes in the morning, a beautiful song, a breathtaking verse, or my nephew smiling at me. And all this beauty comes from the Creator. So thank you, Jesus, for what you have given me. Mmmlife and living.

So last night Kenny Lendra and I went to check out Generation Revival (?) as a part of Twin Cities House of Prayer (hereafter referred to as TCHOP) at the Roseville campus of North Heights (which my grandpa helped build!). The worship team from Concordia Academy was leading so that was great; they're faaaantastic. I think both Ken and I really enjoyed it. Jesus and I enjoyed re-getting to know each other, I think. I kept being fascinated at how Jesus is the lover of my soul, but more on that in another post, I think. Anyways, it was a precious time, and if you're ever looking for something to do 9-midnightish on a Friday night, there you go.

So the verses for today come from Colossians 3, specifically verses 1-4, though the whole chapter's GREAT.
From NIV, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things about, not earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with him in glory."

My favorite part is the last verse which says "Christ, who is your life.." I just love that idea, that we died with him and will rise again with him when he comes back for the wedding, and that until then, we're called to live Christ-centered lives. We're not simply Christians in theory... But our Saviour is meant to be the very core of our beings; he should be our focus in every aspect of life- school, relationships, driving, meals, finances, working, reading, looooving. It's aaaall about Him. Remember that!!

Okay. Love to you dear hearts. Until next time.


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